Searle and De Soto: The New Ontology of the Social World
Barry Smith
Published in:
Barry Smith, David Mark and Isaac Ehrlich, The Mystery of Capital and the Construction of Social Reality, Chicago: Open Court, 2008, 35-51.

The Construction of Social Reality: An Exchange
Barry Smith and John Searle
Published in American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 62: 2 (2003), 285-309
Also published in Laurence Moss and David Koepsell (eds.), Searle on the Institutions of Social Reality, Oxford: Blackwell (2003).
French translation as : “L’ontologie de la realité sociale”, in P. Livet and R. Ogien (eds.), L’Enquête ontologique, Paris: Editions EHESS (2000), 185–208.


The Chinese Rune Argument
Barry Smith
Commentary on Searle's Rationality in Action with response by Searle

Published in Philosophical Explorations, 4: 2 (2001), 70-75; Searle's response is on pp. 75-77

From Speech Acts to Social Reality
Barry Smith

Introductory chapter in Barry Smith (ed.), John Searle , Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, forthcoming.
Russian version


Social Objects
Barry Smith
French version: “Les objets sociaux,” Philosophiques, 26/2 (1999), 315–347.
Russian version